The Ordinary Skincare Routine Guide

5 min read
the ordinary skincare guide

A successful skincare routine involves understanding skin types, diverse needs, aging, healthy habits, and recognizing that external beauty is influenced by internal well-being.

In the quest for a standard skincare regimen, are you in pursuit of a simplistic routine, facile the ordinary skincare guide to adhere to? If so, your quest concludes here, as we stand ready to provide guidance.

The aspiration for a skin condition characterized by health, moisture, and a plush texture is a universal dream. However, the realization of this desire proves challenging due to the profusion of products and conventional skincare routines available.

Navigating through this plethora to identify the optimal choice becomes a formidable task. Many encounter the initial hurdle of uncertainty, grappling with the question of where to commence in the pursuit of optimal skincare. To address these concerns, the “easy peasy skincare” presents a concise manual, guiding you towards a foundational skincare routine that promises a complexion exuding radiance, vitality, and resistance to the aging process.

Within this discourse, we shall delve into the conventional skincare routine, the daily steps to be embraced, recommended habits, beginner-friendly skincare routines, and skincare rituals tailored for diverse skin types such as oily, dry, acne-prone, and those over 50. The repository the ordinary skincare guide of informative content is poised to be a valuable resource in your skincare journey.

Thus, let us unravel a straightforward routine for cultivating habits conducive to healthy, luminous skin:

the ordinary skincare guide

Cultivating beneficial habits is imperative, as the efficacy of premium products hinges on the foundation of well-nurtured skin from within. Therefore, antecedent to external beauty enhancements, internal prerequisites must be met.

These prerequisites find fulfillment through the adoption of salubrious habits. Should your aspiration be to attain a complexion radiating health and luminosity, integrating certain habits into your daily routine becomes imperative. From maintaining a nourishing diet to ensuring optimal hydration, the incorporation of these habits is pivotal in realizing the the ordinary skincare guide clear, radiant complexion coveted by many.

A glimpse into the elemental habits involves:

  1. Proliferation of a nutritious diet
  2. Sustenance of adequate hydration
  3. Consistent intake of essential vitamins
  4. Removal of makeup before bedtime
  5. Refraining from abrasive scrubbing
  6. Ensuring sufficient sleep duration
  7. Regular engagement in physical exercise
  8. Incorporation of antioxidant-rich substances

For those embarking on the journey of a conventional skincare routine, the initial steps can be overwhelming, particularly for neophytes. Yet, armed with appropriate measures and product selections, a skincare regimen aligning with one’s skin type and lifestyle is attainable.

Herein lies a step-by-step elucidation on formulating a skincare routine for novices:

Step 1: Identifying Your Skin Type

Before initiating any skincare routine, discerning your skin type proves pivotal. The selection of products hinges on this identification. Generally categorized into dry, oily, combination, and sensitive, your skin type guides subsequent decisions.

To ascertain your skin type, cleanse your face with a mild cleanser and observe for at least an hour. Characteristics manifest as follows:

  • Dry skin: Taut and flaky
  • Oily skin: Gleaming and oily
  • Combination skin: Some areas dry, others oily
  • Sensitive skin: Prone to irritation and redness

Step 2: Cleansing Your Skin

Cleansing stands as the inaugural and cardinal step in any skincare ritual. It purges impurities, surplus oil, and makeup residues. Selecting a gentle cleanser commensurate with your skin type is paramount.

Opt for a creamy cleanser for dry skin, a foaming cleanser for oily skin, and a mild, fragrance-free variant for sensitive skin. Apply, massage gently, and rinse with lukewarm water.

Step 3: Exfoliation

Exfoliation, a process vital for eliminating dead skin cells and unclogging pores, warrants judicious application the ordinary skincare guide. Over-exfoliation risks harm, thus a weekly frequency suffices. Options include physical exfoliants (scrubs) or chemical exfoliants (alpha-hydroxy acids, beta-hydroxy acids).

Choosing a product aligned with your skin type, gently massage, rinse with lukewarm water, and allow to dry.

Step 4: Application of Toner

Toners, instrumental in harmonizing skin pH, eliminating residual impurities, and prepping for subsequent steps, require a selection befitting your skin type. Opt for hydrating toners for dry skin, astringent variants for oily skin, and mild, alcohol-free toners for sensitive skin.

Application via a cotton pad eases the process.

Step 5: Application of Serum (Optional)

Serums, concentrated remedies targeting specific skin concerns, precede moisturizer application. Tailor your choice to address concerns such as dark spots, fine lines, or acne. Apply to face and neck.

Step 6: Moisturization

Moisturization, a pivotal step in preserving skin hydration and radiance, demands a selection corresponding to your skin type. Opt for heavier moisturizers for dry skin and lighter variants for oily skin. Fragrance-free, hypoallergenic options suit sensitive skin.

Apply to face and neck.

Step 7: Sunscreen Application (Daytime)

Preserving skin from harmful UV rays ranks among the paramount steps in any skincare regimen. Sun exposure’s repercussions encompass premature aging, wrinkles, and even skin cancer.

Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30 daily, irrespective of weather conditions or indoor stays. Ensure coverage for all exposed areas, including face, neck, and hands.

As the inexorable effects of aging unfold, aspirations for youthful, supple skin necessitate precautionary measures. For those above 50, adherence to certain practices proves indispensable:


  1. Regular application of SPF 30+
  2. Consumption of a vitamin-enriched diet
  3. Integration of retinoids
  4. Use of eye cream
  5. Selection of a suitable moisturizer
  6. Ensuring adequate sleep
  7. Regular exfoliation
  8. Consistent adherence to skincare routine


  1. Usage of harsh products
  2. Sleeping with makeup
  3. Consumption of unhealthy food
  4. Insufficient sleep
  5. Excessive caffeine intake
  6. Use of tanning beds

For those grappling with acne, a dedicated skincare routine is imperative. Focused on alleviating inflammation, supporting a resilient skin barrier, regulating oil production, and addressing blemishes, this routine prioritizes hydration:


  1. Cleansing
  2. Application of Balancing Toner or Essence
  3. Eye Product Application
  4. Hyaluronic Acid Application
  5. SPF 30 Application with Antioxidants
  6. Foundation Application for Coverage


  1. Double Cleansing
  2. Hyaluronic Acid Application
  3. Eye Product Application
  4. Application of Glycolic Acid or a Balanced Toner
  5. Application of Retinoid 2% Emulsion

Addressing the concerns of oily skin entails managing excessive oil production through appropriate product utilization. While the foundational trio of cleansing, toning, and moisturizing remains imperative, ingredient awareness is key. Vital ingredients for oily skin include Rosemary Extract, Clary Sage, Squalane, Activated Coconut Charcoal, Hyaluronic Acid, Retinol, and Tea Tree Oil. Conversely, ingredients to avoid encompass Vaseline, Coconut Oil, Sodium Lauryl S.


In conclusion, the pursuit of an effective skincare routine involves navigating the complexities of skin types, diverse needs, and the aging process. The journey begins with the establishment of healthy habits, acknowledging that external beauty is contingent upon internal well-being.

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